Dengue: MPAJ Recorded a Decline in Cases, Hulu Langat Not Compromised

SHAH ALAM, 14 Feb: The Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ) is glad to inform that the dengue cases have declined so far, compared to the same period last year.

The Deputy President of MPAK, Abdul Hamid Husain, said that this decline was due to continued enforcement by council staff and enforcers.


“Until yesterday, only four cases were registered throughout 20 days. Compared to 2013, the number of reported dengue cases reached 49 cases in the duration of 108 days,” he said.

He said that after this, MPAJ will conduct inspections on 1,997 premises to prevent further spread of dengue. So far, MPAJ has checked 782 premises and 14 compounds have been issued.

Selangor recorded 6,582 recorded dengue cases from 1 January to yesterday; with 2,493 cases in the Petaling district, 1,849 cases in Hulu Langat and 836 cases in Klang, including four deaths.

“The level of public awareness is still low regarding the dangers of dengue and residential environments that are not managed have made matters worse,” said the Head of Disease Control from the Hulu Langat District Health Office, Dr Mohd Nasir Habib, quoted from Malaysia Gazette after the Destroy Aedes Ops 2014 took place recently.

He said that all parties should work together to combat the spread of dengue more effectively.

“We will be more serious after this, without any compromise, by enforcing health laws to educate the local community on awareness to eliminate mosquito breeding places,” he said.

RM500 compounds have been issues, with a maximum fine of RM10,000 and imprisonment if proven guilty of causing mosquito breeding.

Last Wednesday, the State Government mobilised the ‘Ayuh Gemur Aedes Khas’ (Let’s Destroy Aedes Special) to Kajang to eradicate Aedes mosquito breeding localities as the area is a hot-spot in Selangor.

The Executive Councillor in charge of Health, Entrepreneur Development, Science, Technology and Innovation, Dr Daroyah Alwi, said that the campaign is scheduled to take place on 2 March.

Pengarang :

Dengue: MPAJ Recorded a Decline in Cases, Hulu Langat Not Compromised

SHAH ALAM, 14 Feb: The Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ) is glad to inform that the dengue cases have declined so far, compared to the same period last year.

The Deputy President of MPAK, Abdul Hamid Husain, said that this decline was due to continued enforcement by council staff and enforcers.


“Until yesterday, only four cases were registered throughout 20 days. Compared to 2013, the number of reported dengue cases reached 49 cases in the duration of 108 days,” he said.

He said that after this, MPAJ will conduct inspections on 1,997 premises to prevent further spread of dengue. So far, MPAJ has checked 782 premises and 14 compounds have been issued.

Selangor recorded 6,582 recorded dengue cases from 1 January to yesterday; with 2,493 cases in the Petaling district, 1,849 cases in Hulu Langat and 836 cases in Klang, including four deaths.

“The level of public awareness is still low regarding the dangers of dengue and residential environments that are not managed have made matters worse,” said the Head of Disease Control from the Hulu Langat District Health Office, Dr Mohd Nasir Habib, quoted from Malaysia Gazette after the Destroy Aedes Ops 2014 took place recently.

He said that all parties should work together to combat the spread of dengue more effectively.

“We will be more serious after this, without any compromise, by enforcing health laws to educate the local community on awareness to eliminate mosquito breeding places,” he said.

RM500 compounds have been issues, with a maximum fine of RM10,000 and imprisonment if proven guilty of causing mosquito breeding.

Last Wednesday, the State Government mobilised the ‘Ayuh Gemur Aedes Khas’ (Let’s Destroy Aedes Special) to Kajang to eradicate Aedes mosquito breeding localities as the area is a hot-spot in Selangor.

The Executive Councillor in charge of Health, Entrepreneur Development, Science, Technology and Innovation, Dr Daroyah Alwi, said that the campaign is scheduled to take place on 2 March.

Pengarang :