BN Plays Syiah Issue to Topple PAS

SHAH ALAM, 10 Dec: PAS deemed the statement by the Minister of Home Affairs, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, in uncovering evidence of the involvement of the party leaders with Syiah understanding as a political ploy by Barisan Nasional (BN) to gain support.

PAS Vice-President, Datuk Tian Ibrahim Tuan Man, said that the move was a form of personal attacks on PAS and it does not show the determination by the central government in eradicating Syiah understanding.


He said that any evidence that the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) wants to reveal would be better taken to court instead of revealing it to the public for the purpose of publicity.

“If prevention is intended, he (Zahid) can take action because he has the authority. However, he only wants publicity by exposing it in a press conference and at the Umno General Assembly recently.

“If the issue is said to be a threat to security, the procedure is not to disclose it to the public because we ourselves are not sure of its authenticity.

“Any evidence can be confirmed in court rather than the general public for the purpose of sentencing PAS,” he said when commenting on Zahid’s statement which revealed that several PAS leaders are involved in Syiah understanding in a press statement.

Tuan Ibrahim said that Syiah needs to be eradicated as a while and not only by targeting the Islamic party.


He said that PAS will not simply believe the evidence which will be revealed if there is no strong and clear argument.

“We are open. What is wrong is wrong. But this issue is more politically driven and not for the prevention of Syiah understanding because th attack was made on PAS leaders.

“Whereas, the public already knows that the Syiah Leader acknowledged that the teaching has been spread widely in Kedah but no action has been taken. The issue now is whether MOHA wants to eradicate Syiah or attack PAS,” he said.

Zahid, in his winding-up speech at the Umno General Assembly 2013 held at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) in Kuala Lumpur on 7 December, said that they found that the number two leader of PAS practices Syiah.

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