Kajang By-Election Voter’s Opportunity to Punish BN

KUALA LUMPUR, 5 feb: Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd Taib, stressed that the Kajang by-election is an opportunity for all Malaysians to punish Barisan Nasional (BN), which failed to fulfill their promises made in the 13th General Election (GE13).

Citing Keadilan Daily, the former Chief Minister of Selangor said that the voters in Kajang represent the sentiments of all Malaysians who are angry with the increase in prices of goods and services, following the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s failure in management.

“However Umno-BN, do not think that the people have forgotten. With the rising prices and cost of living, BN would certainly face a huge test.


“And they (BN) should not try to divert the people’s view from big issues,” said Muhammad.

He said that the Kajang by-election is the best time for the people to assess BN and Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

He said that the Kajang by-election should not be used by BN to discredit its opponents with various personal attacks.

“The Kajang by-election is not a personal issue. That is why I am telling BN, do not try to make the Kajang by-election a place to attack personal issues.

“Personal issues are not legitimate. There is no need to bring up petty issues because what is important is the future of the people and the country.

“The issue of the national debt, the issue of withdrawn subsidies. These are more important, and there are other bigger issues that need to be addressed and debated,” he said.

Pengarang :


Kajang By-Election Voter’s Opportunity to Punish BN

KUALA LUMPUR, 5 feb: Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd Taib, stressed that the Kajang by-election is an opportunity for all Malaysians to punish Barisan Nasional (BN), which failed to fulfill their promises made in the 13th General Election (GE13).

Citing Keadilan Daily, the former Chief Minister of Selangor said that the voters in Kajang represent the sentiments of all Malaysians who are angry with the increase in prices of goods and services, following the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s failure in management.

“However Umno-BN, do not think that the people have forgotten. With the rising prices and cost of living, BN would certainly face a huge test.


“And they (BN) should not try to divert the people’s view from big issues,” said Muhammad.

He said that the Kajang by-election is the best time for the people to assess BN and Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

He said that the Kajang by-election should not be used by BN to discredit its opponents with various personal attacks.

“The Kajang by-election is not a personal issue. That is why I am telling BN, do not try to make the Kajang by-election a place to attack personal issues.

“Personal issues are not legitimate. There is no need to bring up petty issues because what is important is the future of the people and the country.

“The issue of the national debt, the issue of withdrawn subsidies. These are more important, and there are other bigger issues that need to be addressed and debated,” he said.

Pengarang :