Judges Do Not Question Why Saiful Met Najib Two Days Before the ‘Incident’?

SHAH ALAM, 19 Apr: Lawyer N Surendran the judgement of the Court of Appeal which said that “nothing impropable about Saiful’s evidence”, the key witness in the Defamation II case.

“How do these three judges reach such a conclusion when it is undisputed that Saiful met with Anwar’s political enemy,” said Surendran, quoted from Keadilan Daily.


Saiful met Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the Deputy Prime Minister at the time, two days before the incident allegedly occurred.

Saiful also met with top police officer SAC Rodwan, who was involved in the first sodomy case.

“How is that Saiful claims to have been sodomized several times whereas the GH medical report finds no such physical evidence?

“Why is it Saiful did not get away after the alleged incident although he had plenty of opportunity to do so?” Surendran questioned.

Crucially, although the investigating officer Jude Pereira had cut open the sample bag P27, the judges say this does not “amount to tampering of the exhibits”.

“This conclusion is against all legal principles governing the chain of evidence, and against all common sense.

Surendran stressed that this is not a credible judgement; it disregards crucial facts and goes against accepted principles of law.

He said that this judgement purports to convict Anwar, but in fact it strengthens the general public conviction that Anwar Ibrahim is a victim of political persecution and a grave miscarriage of justice.

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