Damaged Gear, MH192 Turns Back

SHAH ALAM, 21 Apr: The Malaysia Airlines flight heading to Bangalore, India, today turned back after the aircraft suffered damage to its gear and safely landed in the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA).

The Minister of Transport, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, through his Twitter, said that the flight made an emergency landing at 1.56am and all passengers and crew are safe.


He was on his way to KLIA.

Research Manager, Van Diemen John, in his 40s, said that the MH192 pilot was very professional when handling the landing.

“The pilot was calm when he announced that we had to return to KLIA but needs to spent most of the oil first.

“We hovered over the Straits of Malacca and Kuala Lumpur. A few hours later, we landed safely.

“He gave clear instructions. He was very professional and did it well,” said John who was flying from Shanghai to Bangalore to meet with his research team.

Meanwhile, another passenger from Penang, who declined to be named, said that the emergency landing was handled well.


“The pilot and crew followed the procedure correctly. It was handled well and I did not panic,” the individual said, adding this person did not tell their family about the incident.

Meanwhile, Australian, Miranda Jason Juse, 30, said that because of the polit and crew acted professionally, all passengers felt calm during the four hours of flying, hovering over the Straits of Malacca.

“The pilot did the best to land safely and the plane landed softly and smoothly. The state in the aircraft was also calm when we safely landed,” he said.

All passengers were tired after the anxious experience but they still managed to smile to reporters and thanked the world on which they landed safely.


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