Altantuya: Prosecutor’s appeal to be heard by the Federal Court

SHAH ALAM, 23 June: The Federal Court will be in the limelight when they decide on a high-profile case involving the murder of a Mongolian national, Altantuya Shaariibuu, today.

Quoting Malaysia Kini, the court will hear the prosecution’s appeal against the acquittal of two Special Action Unit officers Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar on their conviction for the murder of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu.


On August 23, 2013, the Court of Appeal acquitted Azilah and Sirul Azhar from the murder conviction of Altantuya after unanimously allowing their appeal and amending the death sentence ruled by the Shah Alam High Court in 2009.

They were found guilty of murdering Altantuya, 28, at Mukim Bukit Raja in Shah Alam between 10.00 pm on the night of October 19 and 1.00 am on October 20, 2006.

The Court of Appeal, in the 47-page judgement, maintained that the evidence presented by the prosecution was insufficient to sustain the guilty conviction on the two police officers.

Their crime was reportedly not proved with satisfaction and therefore, the court had to grant them the benefit of doubt.


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