UN should stop Israel’s aggression, immediately send delegation to channel relief

SHAH ALAM, 11 July: The President of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, wants all Muslims in this country to continue assisting Muslims in Palestine, China and Myanmar who are facing aggression.

She said that the party takes all incidents of violence, oppression and the killing of Muslims seriously.

“PKR also hopes and prays that all Muslims will unite to defend and protect all our brothers and sisters in faith.


“PKR is also concerned about the failure of Arab countries to unite to protect the wellbeing of Muslims in the region,” she said in a press statement.

Wan Azizah said that PKR also urges the United Nations to immediately stop the Israeli aggression in Gaza by sending a delegation to Gaza to survey and provide immediate relief.

She said that PKR also urges the Egyptian government to open the border gates and facilitate the entry of humanitarians to enter and help victims of the Israeli bombing.

“What is happening in Palestine is also happening in China. PKR is disappointed with what is happening to Muslims in Uyghur.

“This is similar to the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. Some Islamic countries consider them refugees and treat them like third class citizens. Therefore, Muslims should not remain silent when violence continues in the country,” she said.


Since the fall of President Mohamad Morsi, the Muslims are increasingly oppressed because the entrance to Rafah, which allows humanitarian assistance to be channeled, was blocked when Egypt shut the route.

Many homes and buildings were also destroyed due to bombing by the inhumane Israeli military which has been raising the death toll every day.

Yesterday, the Rafah gate was opened on the insistence of the United Nations, however many have urged for the UN peacekeeper army to be stationed there to facilitate the management of humanitarian aid.

In China, in addition to denying Muslims there the right to fast, Uyghur reportedly brutally killed and raped women, and even though the statistics were submitted to the UN, no investigation is being conducted.


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