Scam syndicate not a State Government programme

SHAH ALAM, 8 June: The working from home scheme and supply of goods that allegedly cheated the people recently is definitely not a programme by the State Government.

The Executive Councillor in charge of Welfare and Women’s Affairs, Rodziah Ismail, said that the scheme was carried out by a private company, and as a representative of the people in the area, she was just there to conduct the inauguration of the scheme.

She was also disappointed that there are parties, including representatives of the people, who are still confused and are politicising the matter, and not focusing on the real issue.


“During the inauguration, I repeatedly said in my speech for everyone to be careful. If they want to participate in the scheme, make sure there is a working contract to avoid getting cheated.

“I, personally, even said on that day that if they were found cheating, I will take action.

“In relation to that, when the complaints first came in, I personally went to the police station to make a report,” she told Selangor Kini.

In mid-April, Rodziah attended the opening ceremony of the company, which among others offered jobs where people could work from home with a salary of RM800 a month.

However, those interested would have to pay a deposit as low as RM200, and some even put up a deposit of RM50,000.


In relation to that, many victims, including representatives of the people, expressed disappointment with the State Government for allegedly being involved and failing to address this scam.

Yesterday, the Member of Parliament for Kapar, who is also a lawyer, G Manivannan, went to the company’s office and met with victims of the scheme.

He gave a period of 48 hours to the police to act and conduct an investigation; otherwise he is going to take the matter to Parliament on Monday.

He also reminded the public to not make any speculation and politicise the matter, instead leave it to the police to carry out their duties.

“It is quite common for politicians to be invited to attend the opening of any event; it is the same for me.

“In this case, perhaps the company took advantage of the influence of state leaders to attract the public to join the scheme.

“So, I advise politicians to be more careful and check first after this,” he said.


Pengarang :


Scam syndicate not a State Government programme

SHAH ALAM, 8 June: The working from home scheme and supply of goods that allegedly cheated the people recently is definitely not a programme by the State Government.

The Executive Councillor in charge of Welfare and Women’s Affairs, Rodziah Ismail, said that the scheme was carried out by a private company, and as a representative of the people in the area, she was just there to conduct the inauguration of the scheme.

She was also disappointed that there are parties, including representatives of the people, who are still confused and are politicising the matter, and not focusing on the real issue.


“During the inauguration, I repeatedly said in my speech for everyone to be careful. If they want to participate in the scheme, make sure there is a working contract to avoid getting cheated.

“I, personally, even said on that day that if they were found cheating, I will take action.

“In relation to that, when the complaints first came in, I personally went to the police station to make a report,” she told Selangor Kini.

In mid-April, Rodziah attended the opening ceremony of the company, which among others offered jobs where people could work from home with a salary of RM800 a month.

However, those interested would have to pay a deposit as low as RM200, and some even put up a deposit of RM50,000.


In relation to that, many victims, including representatives of the people, expressed disappointment with the State Government for allegedly being involved and failing to address this scam.

Yesterday, the Member of Parliament for Kapar, who is also a lawyer, G Manivannan, went to the company’s office and met with victims of the scheme.

He gave a period of 48 hours to the police to act and conduct an investigation; otherwise he is going to take the matter to Parliament on Monday.

He also reminded the public to not make any speculation and politicise the matter, instead leave it to the police to carry out their duties.

“It is quite common for politicians to be invited to attend the opening of any event; it is the same for me.

“In this case, perhaps the company took advantage of the influence of state leaders to attract the public to join the scheme.

“So, I advise politicians to be more careful and check first after this,” he said.


Pengarang :