CM: Make Malcolm X’s experience a lesson to maintain harmony & prosperity

SHAH ALAM, 4 Oct: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, urged Muslims to make the experiences of the Afro-American fighter, Malcolm X, a lesson to maintain harmony and prosperity.

Mohamed Azmin, in his message in conjunction with the Hari Raya Eidul Adha, said that complete democracy, independence and human rights as well as tolerance in a multiracial society are unlikely to be achieved without sacrifice.


“As such, we must also gain a deeper understanding of the qurban ritual, including the sacrifice of time and energy in planning and implementing state government policies effectively and efficiently,” said Azmin.

He said 60 years ago, an Afro-American fighter who just embraced Islam performed the Haj and wrote a letter to the United State stating his experience of fulfilling the Haj pilgrimage.

Malcolm X wrote that there were tens of thousands of people who performed the Haj from all over the world, with their skin being from various colours, from blue eyes and blond hair to black-skinned Africans.

But they all performed the same ritual, upheld the spirit of solidarity and brotherhood in which his experience in the United State led to him being of the opinion that it could not have existed among the blacks and whites in United States at the time.

He had never seen such an honest and true brotherhood practiced by people of all colours.

This letter was written by Haji Abdul Makil al-Shabaz, or better known as Malcolm X.

Mohamed Azmin said that this sacrifice has opened up ample space to realise Selangor as a state of development.

“God willing, we can achieve development for all,” he said.


Pengarang :


CM: Make Malcolm X’s experience a lesson to maintain harmony & prosperity

SHAH ALAM, 4 Oct: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, urged Muslims to make the experiences of the Afro-American fighter, Malcolm X, a lesson to maintain harmony and prosperity.

Mohamed Azmin, in his message in conjunction with the Hari Raya Eidul Adha, said that complete democracy, independence and human rights as well as tolerance in a multiracial society are unlikely to be achieved without sacrifice.


“As such, we must also gain a deeper understanding of the qurban ritual, including the sacrifice of time and energy in planning and implementing state government policies effectively and efficiently,” said Azmin.

He said 60 years ago, an Afro-American fighter who just embraced Islam performed the Haj and wrote a letter to the United State stating his experience of fulfilling the Haj pilgrimage.

Malcolm X wrote that there were tens of thousands of people who performed the Haj from all over the world, with their skin being from various colours, from blue eyes and blond hair to black-skinned Africans.

But they all performed the same ritual, upheld the spirit of solidarity and brotherhood in which his experience in the United State led to him being of the opinion that it could not have existed among the blacks and whites in United States at the time.

He had never seen such an honest and true brotherhood practiced by people of all colours.

This letter was written by Haji Abdul Makil al-Shabaz, or better known as Malcolm X.

Mohamed Azmin said that this sacrifice has opened up ample space to realise Selangor as a state of development.

“God willing, we can achieve development for all,” he said.


Pengarang :