Azmin: Stop persecution and injustice against Anwar

SHAH ALAM, 27 Oct: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) urges the government to immediately stop persecution and injustice against the Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

The Deputy President of PKR, Mohamed Azmin Ali, said that he is asking the authorities to allow the rule of law and true justice to be enforced.


According to him, the hearing at the Federal Court for Anwar’s appeal is prosecution that is part of a nefarious conspiracy which began in the first sodomy charged in 1998.

“Persecution after persecution against him continues to happen and it is seen as a result of a judicial and criminal process which is seen as deviated and has shortcomings.

“The harassment and injustice towards his legal team has also led to the trust in the authorities to decrease and the sedition charges against his lawyer, N.Surendran, is a denial of a fair trial,” said Azmin in a statement.

He added that he hopes that the hearing of the case tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will provide true justice to Anwar.


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Azmin: Stop persecution and injustice against Anwar

SHAH ALAM, 27 Oct: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) urges the government to immediately stop persecution and injustice against the Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

The Deputy President of PKR, Mohamed Azmin Ali, said that he is asking the authorities to allow the rule of law and true justice to be enforced.


According to him, the hearing at the Federal Court for Anwar’s appeal is prosecution that is part of a nefarious conspiracy which began in the first sodomy charged in 1998.

“Persecution after persecution against him continues to happen and it is seen as a result of a judicial and criminal process which is seen as deviated and has shortcomings.

“The harassment and injustice towards his legal team has also led to the trust in the authorities to decrease and the sedition charges against his lawyer, N.Surendran, is a denial of a fair trial,” said Azmin in a statement.

He added that he hopes that the hearing of the case tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will provide true justice to Anwar.


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