CM delivers donation to the Terengganu government

KUALA TERENGGANU, 30 Dec: For the sake of humanity and the welfare of the people, political ideological differences between the governments of Selangor and Terengganu were set aside.

This was evident when the Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, was willing to visit the state to deliver the RM100,000 cash donation to the Terengganu government and personally meet the flood victims.

The same was also shown by the Terengganu Chief Minister, Datuk Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman, when he welcomed the Selangor government’s intentions and was open to alleviate the suffering of flood victims in the state.


However, the meeting of the two Chief Ministers had to be postponed as Ahmad Razif was attending the Prime Minister’s official visit in Kemaman.

Earlier, as soon as he landed at the Kuala Terengganu Airport (KTA) at 7.55 this morning, Mohamed Azmin and his delegation of 15 people were taken to the Flood Relief Collection Centre which is being supervised by the Selangor Humanitarian Aid Mission Organisation (Pantas) in Dungun.

Mohamed Azmin, who was accompanied by Selangor government Exco embers, Datuk iskandar Abdul Samad, Ean Yong Hian Wah, Zaidy Abdul Talib and Dr Daroyah Alwi, also managed to deliver necessary goods to be handed out to flood victims.

Mohamed Azmin and his delegation were then taken to Kemaman to meet Ahmad Razif in the district.


Pengarang :


CM delivers donation to the Terengganu government

KUALA TERENGGANU, 30 Dec: For the sake of humanity and the welfare of the people, political ideological differences between the governments of Selangor and Terengganu were set aside.

This was evident when the Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, was willing to visit the state to deliver the RM100,000 cash donation to the Terengganu government and personally meet the flood victims.

The same was also shown by the Terengganu Chief Minister, Datuk Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman, when he welcomed the Selangor government’s intentions and was open to alleviate the suffering of flood victims in the state.


However, the meeting of the two Chief Ministers had to be postponed as Ahmad Razif was attending the Prime Minister’s official visit in Kemaman.

Earlier, as soon as he landed at the Kuala Terengganu Airport (KTA) at 7.55 this morning, Mohamed Azmin and his delegation of 15 people were taken to the Flood Relief Collection Centre which is being supervised by the Selangor Humanitarian Aid Mission Organisation (Pantas) in Dungun.

Mohamed Azmin, who was accompanied by Selangor government Exco embers, Datuk iskandar Abdul Samad, Ean Yong Hian Wah, Zaidy Abdul Talib and Dr Daroyah Alwi, also managed to deliver necessary goods to be handed out to flood victims.

Mohamed Azmin and his delegation were then taken to Kemaman to meet Ahmad Razif in the district.


Pengarang :