Yunus: Small to us, ‘big’ for outsiders

SHAH ALAM, 22 May: Several arising issued in Selangor is the process to mature Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in the state, said the Selangor Exco for Islamic Affairs, Malay Customs and Heritage, Rural Development and Traditional Villages, Datuk Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi.

He said this when touching on the reprimand by the Kampung Tunku Assemblyman, Lau Weng San, on the state government’s delivery system.


“I think that our performance is pretty good so far. The only thing is that there are some flaws there and sometimes it is not a big thing but when consensus cannot be treated properly, it looks bad.

“Through meetings, we are able to resolve any issue, even big ones. However, if we cannot do small things with discussion, then it will be big in the eyes of outsiders,” he said.

Recently, the media reported that DAP admitted that the former Chief Minister of Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, was better compared to Mohamed Azmin Ali.

However, this was denied by Weng San who said that he never said that Abdul Khalid’s administration was better only because his answers were more complete.


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Yunus: Small to us, ‘big’ for outsiders

SHAH ALAM, 22 May: Several arising issued in Selangor is the process to mature Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in the state, said the Selangor Exco for Islamic Affairs, Malay Customs and Heritage, Rural Development and Traditional Villages, Datuk Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi.

He said this when touching on the reprimand by the Kampung Tunku Assemblyman, Lau Weng San, on the state government’s delivery system.


“I think that our performance is pretty good so far. The only thing is that there are some flaws there and sometimes it is not a big thing but when consensus cannot be treated properly, it looks bad.

“Through meetings, we are able to resolve any issue, even big ones. However, if we cannot do small things with discussion, then it will be big in the eyes of outsiders,” he said.

Recently, the media reported that DAP admitted that the former Chief Minister of Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, was better compared to Mohamed Azmin Ali.

However, this was denied by Weng San who said that he never said that Abdul Khalid’s administration was better only because his answers were more complete.


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