Study TPPA before signing to prevent national sovereignty from being affected

KUALA LUMPUR, 20 Oct: The Federal government should carry out an in-depth study on the impact of the implementation of the Trans-Pacific Agreement (TPPA) to the country before signing it.

Gua Musang MP, Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah,said that among the important issues that must be looked into is the impact on national sovereignty.


“We pay serious attention because it touches on our lives in terms of economy, social, politics and sovereignty.

“Will we allow other to interfere with what we are determining, whether policy, laws that are to enforce policies that the government wants to implement.

“We can earn one Ringgit these days, but what is the effect later on in terms of sovereignty. Even though our country is small, we want our country to be independent,” said the Umno veteran at the Parliament lobby today.

When touching on the issue of the economic downturn and the rising cost of living, Tengku Razaleigh said that the Federal Government needs to act to restore the confidence of foreign investors and the citizens.

When asked about the 1MDB scandal, Tengku Razaleigh said that he will give his views after the Auditor General’s Report is presented in Parliament.


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