50 Million, 127 Thousand and 2.5 Billion PR Selangor’s Excellent “Report Card”


KLANG, 26 Apr: The increase in investment, employment opportunities, overflow of welfare programmes as well as the increase in state savings is the essence of the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) ‘report card’ which will be presented on 1 May.

Speaking at a ceramah (talk) here last night, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said that the achievements are far different from Umno-BN’s record over the past five decades.

“The first measure is in terms of investment, which in the past five years of our administration, Selangor attracted the highest amount of investments in Malaysia at RM50 billion.

“This altogether opens employment opportunities totalling to more than 127,000 in this state,” explained Abdul Khalid, the PKR candidate for the Port Klang State Legislative Assembly (DUN) seat.

At the same time, the Pakatan Government has spent over RM700 million in developing various welfare programmes for the people of all ages and walks of life.

“During the time of (former Chief Minister of Selangor) Khir Toyo, after checking, I found that the amount he gave to the people is about RM250 million.

“Now, with what we have shared with the people, the people can see that the Pakatan Government can give more than given by Barisan Nasional (BN).

“We have shown and proved that we can provide additional income, we are able to be charitable and we can also save,” he added.

Under the Selangor PR, state savings has increased to RM2.5 billion from the RM400 million left by Umno-BN in 2007.

Therefore, he urged the people to continue to give PR mandate not only to defend Selangor but to capture Putrajaya to form a new Federal Government.

“On 5 May, 2013, let us all make sure that the Barisan Nasional government ends and we will administer Pakatan Rakyat to prove that the people have risen for the people,” he said.

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