Voters Advised to Voter Early to Avoid Fraud


KLANG, 27 Apr: The candidate defending the Sri Andalas State Legislative Assembly (DUN) seat, Dr Xavier Jayakumar, advised voters to vote early on 5 May to overcome the problem of fraud which he claims to happen during every election.

He claimed that fraud cases such as the increase in the number or shadow voters in an area would possibly happen in this 13th General Election (GE-13).

“They will try to cheat on 5 May, you have to go out and vote earlier. I would like to give an example; previously only 75 percent of voters came out to vote, now it has probably increased to 80 percent.

“I hope this time, the amount of voters who come out to vote increases to overcome fraud problems because I believe such cases will increase if not addressed,” he said in front of 3,000 Pakatan Rakyat (PR) supporters at the Public Ceramah (talks) for the Keadilan Youth Brigade (AMK) Trailer Tour here at Taman Sri Muda.

Apart from that, Xavier also reminded the people to appreciate this ‘golden opportunity’ given to them to change the government in the GE-13, after being under the same government for 56 years.

“We now have a golden opportunity in our hands. This is the one thing we can do (to change the government).

“We have waited 56 years for this atmosphere where Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will be the first PPR Prime Minister on 5 May at Putrajaya. Ensure that PR remains in Selangor for the future of our children and grandchildren, ‘ini kalilah’ (this time)…we shall change,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Sri Muda incumbent who is also the PKR candidate for the seat, Shuhaimi Shafiei is confident that voters in the area will vote PR despite interference as the voting day draws near.

“There are almost 12,000 voters in Taman Sri Muda, which is one third of the 49,000 voters in this constituency.

“I am confident that with the presence of more than 3,000 people this time, with four or five at home, we will be able to defend this area, including Selangor and Insya-Allah we will go to Putrajaya. Which proves the history of 5 May is the vote of the people,” he said.

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