PKR Urges Independent Body to Takeover EC on Border Re-Delineation Issue


SHAH ALAM, June 2: PKR demanded for the government to set up an independent body under the authority of the Parliament to take over the role of the Election Commission (EC) to make recommendations on the border re-delineation issue.

PKR Deputy President, Azmin Ali said that Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s announcement to shift the EC out from the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister’s Department and put under the watch of a Special Parliamentary Committee marks PKR’s early victory in demanding for electoral reforms.

“The proposed establishment of the Special Committee needs to be refined with various parties and to be provided with broad and holistic terms of reference so that the formed committee can implement electoral reforms effectively.

“This proposal to ensure that there is no abuse of power and to ensure that the duties and role of the EC is more effective and responsible,” said Azmin in his media statement.

Azmin explained that the announcement proves that the government acknowledges the existence of fraud and flaws in the Malaysian electoral process.

“The EC claimed to restore public trust, restore credibility and authority as an independent body which is the pillar of a democratic country,” said Azmin.

He said that as a first step, PKR demands that the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Election Commission resign immediately in order to restore the EC’s credibility and reputation as a democratic entity.

Article 113 and 114 of the Federal Constitution clearly outlines the formation of the EC where the commission is not an agency or department of the Government and cannot be used by any political party.

“PKR, together with non-governmental organisations (NGOs), including BERSIH, urges that the EC jurisdiction should not be placed under the Prime Minister’s Department.

“However, it is important that the Prime Minister’s announcement is not merely a public relations exercise,” he said.

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