EC Must Answer GE-13 Fraud, Not Avert the Issue (UPDATED)


PETALING JAYA, August 12: The Election Commission (EC) should respond to the findings of Merdeka Centre on the 13th General Election (GE-13) fraud without diverting to other issues.

Opposition Leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, said that the EC must resolve the issue so that its integrity is not disputed or seen as deviating from the root of the question, including changing the existing electoral system.

“The EC should be believed to be an independent body. If a majority of the people dispute the election, do not try to proceed by ways of arrogance as though you can continue (as you please).

“Confidence needs to be restored in the people. If this goes on, we will battle it to the end in Parliament,” he said in a press conference at the PKR headquarters here today.

He was responding to the suggestion by the EC Chairman, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof to political parties on the proposal to change the electoral system in the country.

Anwar said that Abdul Aziz should answer allegations of GE-13 fraud shown in the Merdeka Centre report, and not divert the question to other issues after the integrity of the EC is questioned.

Merdeka Centre confirmed that Umno-BN’s victory was due to early voting and postal voting, and without the method, BN would have lost 22 Parliamentary seats.

Over the past year, opposition parties have been actively campaigning for the postal vote to be abolished with the reason that the method was open to cheating.

Following the results of the GE-13, PKR, DAP and PAS filed petitions to quash the results in several seats.

The controversial early voting and postal voting allowed for BN to win 22 Parliamentary seats, once again conquering Putrajaya. Without it, BN would only have 111 seats, the same number of seats won by Pakatan.

Without the controversy, MIC will not have two representatives in the Cabinet – Datuk Seri Dr S Subramaniam (Segamat) and MIC President, Datuk Seri G Palanivel (Cameron Highlands).

In fact, BN would have also lost some seats in Johor and the Federal Territory.

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