Over 400 People Join the Protest Against the Brutality of the Egyptian Regime in Shah Alam


SHAH ALAM, August 16: Over 400 people peacefully gathered at the compound of the Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Mosque in Shah Alam today to condemn the killings by the Egyptian military regime against thousands of their own people.

The assembly was joined by the Executive Councillor in charge of Islamic Affairs, Sallehin Mukhyi, the Selangor PAS Commissioner, Dr Abdul Rani Osman, as well as several activists and student leaders.

In his speech, Sallehin condemned the violence and tragedy of the genocide of supporters of former President, Dr Mohamed Morsi.

“We strongly condemn the brutal murder by the soldiers against the people of Egypt who were not armed, but killed in such a way,” said the Selangor PAS Second Deputy Commissioner.

The protest organised by the Pas Youth Commission Malaysia (DPPM) was also held simultaneously in state mosques across the country after the Friday prayers.

As of now, the media has reported nearly 3,000 killed and over 10,000 injured when the security forces stormed the camps of the supporters of former President, Mohamed Morsi, at Rabaa al-Adawiya and Al-Nahda in Egypt.

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