Local Authorities

PKNS Should Expand to a Global Level

SUBANG JAYA, 24 Nov: The Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) has been recommended to expand its business to an international level and boldly go into...

CM: Change PKNS Management Traditions

SHAH ALAM, 22 Nov: Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim informed that the State Government will now change the management traditions of the Selangor...

State Reserve Funds are only for Special Projects NOT for Administration Expenditures

SHAH ALAM, 19 Nov: The State Government will only use state reserves to fund special projects and not to shoulder administration costs, said Chief Minister...

AES Summons: Ronnie Instructs MPKj to Bear Witness

SHAH ALAM, 15 Nov: Local Government, Research and Development Committee Exco, Ronnie Liu, will instruct the Kajang Municipal Council (MPKj) to bear witness to road...

Selangor Willing to Help Recipients of AES Summons

SHAH ALAM, 14 Nov: The Selangor State Government is willing to help road users who have been given summons by the Automated Enforcement System (AES)...