Menteri Besar’s Statements

Selangor Launches Integrity Month To Tackle Corruption and Bureaucracy

SHAH ALAM, 15 Jan: The process of good governance practised by the Selangor State Government is capable of developing the state further if public administration...

‘Previously The People Rejected The British Regime, Now The People Are Rejecting the Umno-BN Regime’

BATANG LUPAR, 15 Jan: The people of Sarawak now can be seen ready to reject Umno-BN how the people first rejected the British regime a...

CM: Najib Fears That Selangor Would Manage Water Better

SHAH ALAM, 14 Jan: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak is allegedly deliberately refusing to hand over the management of water services to Selangor...

CM: Najib Tries To Defend Cronies In The Selangor Water Problem

BATANG LUPAR, 14 Jan: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is accused of trying to protect his cronies by continuing to blame the Selangor State...

The People of Sarawak Will Receive Land Rights If Pakatan Rules

SARATOK, 14 Jan: Just like in Selangor, the people of Sarawak would potentially receive land ownership should Pakatan Rakyat (PR) be given the mandate to...

Selangor PR Fulfils Promise, Builds Longhouse in Sarawak

SARATOK, 14 Jan: The Selangor Pakatan Rakyat (PR) Government’s attentiveness in safeguarding the fate of the people is truly proven when they did not only...

If Sarawak Wants To Be As Developed As Selangor, Sarawak Should Choose Pakatan Rakyat

SARATOK, 14 Jan: The people of Sarawak have been advised to choose Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to govern the country in the upcoming 13th General Elections...

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