Selangor Government Policies

Azmin: Najib Most Spendthrift PM in Spending Petronas Funds

KUALA LUMPUR, 30 Nov: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is the most spendthrift Finance Minister, by forcing Petronas to contribute the highest dividend rates...

CM: Benefits of the Talam Debt Collection is for the People’s Welfare

SHAH ALAM, 30 Nov: Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid stressed that the Talam Corporation debt proceeds, valued at RM392 million will be channelled to...

CM Satisfied with State Assembly Proceedings, Confident In Solving Water Issues Through Discussion

SHAH ALAM, 30 Nov: The State Government is adamant that the Langat 2 Plant and the restructuring of the water services industry in Selangor should...

State Government Framework Includes Various Programmes for Single Mothers

SHAH ALAM, 28 Nov: A total of 24,009 women in Selangor under the category of single mothers have been given the opportunity to improve their...

Cancel Development on PKNS Field: CM Discuss With Excos

SHAH ALAM, 28 Nov: Seri Setia Assemblyman, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad’s motion of wanting the State Government to just cancel the application of the Selangor...

Permanent Ownership Offered to Residents of Village Lands

SHAH ALAM, 28 Nov: The state government will not be issuing any Temporary Occupation License (TOL) to residents who have established settlements on government land....

Infrastructure Requirements of Religious Schools Will Be Evaluated Every Year

SHAH ALAM, 28 Nov: The needs of Religious Primary Schools (SAR) will be evaluated annually by the Education Division of the Selangor Islamic Religious Department...

Over 83.000 join Selangorku Shopping Bonus

SHAH ALAM, 27 Nov: The “Jom Shopping Bonus Selangorku” (Selangorku Let’s Go Shopping Bonus) included participants of the Selangor Children Heritage Fund (Tawas) and had...