Solving the Rakyat’s Problems

Selangor Still Ideal Investment Destination

SHAH ALAM,12 Dec: Selangor still remains as the main destination for investors among all other states when it recorded a total investment of RM7.68 billion...

Landslide Monitoring Hotline

SHAH ALAM, 12 Dec: Following heavy rains occurring almost every day, the State Government has taken the initiative to provide a hotline to ease the...

Three Malay Siblings Claim Rights As Citizens

PUTRAJAYA, 12 Dec: If previously, problems regarding Identity Cards were centred on the Indian community, today three Malay siblings came forward to claim their rights...

State Government Countersues Conspirators Exploiting Single Mothers

KLANG, 10 Dec: The State Government will make a counter suit to the conspirators involved regarding the allowance for single mothers which was claimed to...

Free Water for Apartments: SYABAS Terms Makes Troublesome for Residents

KLANG, 9 Dec: Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS) action in setting strict conditions for the migration process of central meters to individual meters is the...

Construction of Youth Square in Hopes of Birthing National Sporting Champions

TANJONG KARANG, 8 Dec: The construction of a Youth Square in Kampung Parit Serong here is in hoped to produce more national sporting champions that...

MDKL Status Upgraded to Municipal Council

KUALA LANGAT, 8 Dec: The status of Kuala Langat District Council (MDKL) will be soon upgraded to Kuala Langat Municipal Council (MPKL). Welfare, Women’s Affairs,...

Virtual Business for Mimbar Participants

SHAH ALAM, 8 Dec: The Selangor Urban Microcredit Scheme (Mimbar) will create opportunities for virtual businesses (internet) among Mimbar entrepreneurs in the effort of improving...

Selangor Land Scandal: Najib Has to ‘Clean the Hands’ of Umno-BN leaders

SHAH ALAM, 7 Dec: Datuk Seri Najib Razak must take responsibility now regarding the land scandal that involves Selangor Umno-BN leaders. This is because the...

Pekawanis Saves Chronic Lymphoma Patient

SUNGAI BULOH, 5th DEC : Derita ditanggung pesakit Lymphoma Kronik, Rohaya Mohd Ariffin, 41, mendapat perhatian Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Amal Wanita Selangor (Pekawanis) yang bersedia...