State Representatives & Institutions

Anwar: Rising Support for PR from the Indian Community

PETALING JAYA, 13 Nov: Policies introduced by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) states, particularly Selangor can be seen to successfully increase support from the Indian Community for...

Nurul Izzah Victimised To Protect Najib in Soi Lek Insults Islam Gathering

COMMENTS recarding MCA President Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek in his speech at the 59th MCA general assembly on October 21st and said eight...

Apostasy Happened in the Umno-BN Era, They Should Blame Themselves, says Tuan Ibrahim

SHAH ALAM, 12 Nov: The Umno-BN government should blame themselves on the issue of Muslim apostasy because as history proves it happened at the time...

People’s Mega Rally on January 12 To Overcome BERSIH 3.0

SHAH ALAM, 12 Nov: ‘Million People Mega Rally Demanding Eight Reforms’ is expected to be able to overcome the turnout of the BERSIH 3.0 rally...

CM: No Need for Elections to Help the Rakyat

KLANG, 12 Nov: Improving the quality of life of the rakyat should be done completely without alienating or denying the rights of certain races, says...