
MDKL Status Upgraded to Municipal Council

KUALA LANGAT, 8 Dec: The status of Kuala Langat District Council (MDKL) will be soon upgraded to Kuala Langat Municipal Council (MPKL). Welfare, Women’s Affairs,...

PR Leaders Need to Emulate BJ Habibie’s Principles

SHAH ALAM, 6 Dec: Leaders of the People’s Alliance (PR) have been advised to take lessons from the experiences of Prof Dr Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie...

Pekawanis Saves Chronic Lymphoma Patient

SUNGAI BULOH, 5th DEC : Derita ditanggung pesakit Lymphoma Kronik, Rohaya Mohd Ariffin, 41, mendapat perhatian Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Amal Wanita Selangor (Pekawanis) yang bersedia...

Selangor: BN Leaders Involved in Land Scandal

SHAH ALAM, 5th DEC : Head of MCA’s Young Professionals Bureau Centre, Datuk Chua Tee Yong was invited to visit the 24 pieces of land...

Police Reputation in Shambles If They Fail to Take Action

SHAH ALAM, 5th DEC : Pakatan Rakyat leaders urge the police to be fair and take immediate action against the individuals responsible for attacking the...