
Selangor Wants Jail Sentence, Seize Property of Illegal Cyber Cafe Owners

SHAH ALAM, July 5: The move to imprison or seize property is being looked into by the State Government to curb illegal cyber cafe activities...

Teng: Councillors Term Capped at Four Years

SHAH ALAM, July 5: Selangor Executive Councillor for Local Government, Studies and Research, Datuk Teng Chang Khim suggested for the council members term to be...

State Government Introduces New Policy to Increase Affordable Homes

SHAH ALAM, July 5: The State Government will introduce a new policy this September to diversify the types of Affordable Homes (RMM) that is required...

Selangor Will Reject TPPA If It Has Adverse Effects

SHAH ALAM, July 4: The State Government will cooperate with NGOs to urge the Federal Government to not sign the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)...

Selangor Forced to Spend RM75,000 of Public Funds to Pay the Legal Fees for the Single Mothers’ Lawsuit

SHAH ALAM, July 4: The State Government was forced to spend RM75,000 of public funds to pay for the legal cost of the recent single...

Teng: State Government Has Saved Over RM50 Million Annually by Collecting Garbage Directly

SHAH ALAM, July 4: The State Government has managed to save more than RM53 million in cost annually when the Local Authorities in Selangor took...

Selangor Has Not Raised Assessment Tax Since 2008, Gives 25 Percent Discount for Low-Cost Apartments

SHAH ALAM, July 3: Owners of low-cost apartments in Selangor has already started to enjoy the assessment tax discount of 25 percent that was implemented...

Dr. Idris: Rural Development Should Cover Three Main Aspects

SHAH ALAM, July 3: It is proposed for the State Government to apply three key aspects in efforts to ensure rural development is equal to...

Noor Hanim Proposes Provisions According to Total Population

SHAH ALAM, July 3: Seeing that the distribution of the total population in each constituency is different, the distribution of provisions according to the population...

Datum Jelatek Bumiputera Sales Quota Higher than Federal Government Projects

SHAH ALAM, July 3: The sales quota for Bumiputera buyers in the Datum Jelatek mixed condominium project by the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) is...

Employers Should Provide Nurseries Starting from 2014

SHAH ALAM, July 3: The State Government will enforce the law for employers to establish nurseries starting from year 2014. Welfare and Women’s Affairs Exco,...

Selangor Government Provides Assistance Regardless of Political Affiliation

SHAH ALAM, July 2: The State Government reminded all government officials, including the Social Welfare Department (JKM) to be professional when working by prioritising the...