Incinerator Technology Still Under Research

SHAH ALAM, 26 Nov: The state government is still conducting a detailed study in the suitability of incinerator technology for disposal of solid waste in Selangor.

The Executive Councillor in charge of Local Government, Studies and Research, Datuk Teng Chang Khim, said that several things need to be considered, among them being the type of technology to be adopted, the financial module, long term effects of the system, social impacts and environmental impacts.


“In this case, the state government places great emphasis on the importance of the public before making final decisions on the use of better technology from the sanitary landfill system used prior to this,” he said.

He was responding to a question by Dr Abdul Rani Osman (PAS-Meru) regarding the state government’s stand regarding the incinerator system in Selangor during the Selangor State Assembly (DNS) session today.

Teng said that the state government has also undertaken a number of studies comparing three solid waste disposal systems; recycling, sanitary landfills and incineration.

He said that sanitary disposal of solid waste is the lowest cost method in terms of construction and operation, however invites the problem of pollution. Meanwhile, the recycling method does not treat solid waste as a whole because it is only a support system.

“The incinerator system, on the other hand, can treat solid waste by 90 percent and is able to treat toxic gases as a result of burning.

He said that the state government is always serious in ensuring a reduced waste disposal and to create a clean and green environment.

“Various programmes have been implemented including the “Recycling Campaign”, the ‘3R’ programme (reuse, reduce, recycle) and the “No Plastic Bag Day” every Friday for government buildings and every Saturday for all supermarkets in Selangor,” he said.

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