Jingga 13 Makes Police Report, Slams Harussani’s Statement

KUALA LUMPUR, 3 Jan: Jingga 13 made a police report at the Dang Wangi District Police Headquarters to slam the statement by the Perak Mufti, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria, who labeled the participants of the Turun Assembly as “Traitors to the government” and “bunghah” (rebels).

The Coordinator of Jingga 13, Fariz Musa, said that Harussani should be responsible and mature in issuing any statement to a point of committing a crime of inciting and encouraging violence, injury, including killing those who attended the peaceful rally.


“Jingga 13 supports Article 10 of the Federal Constitution which allows the people to assembly and this was proven when the assembly on 31 December ran peacefully and there was no incidents which led to action to overthrow the government as alleged by the police and Barisan Nasional (BN),” he said.

He said this to the media after making the police report to an officer at the Dang Wangi District Police Headquarters, Inspector Khairul Rizuan.

He stressed that the Perak Mufti should resign for not only being a ‘puppet’ and a pointing finger for BN, but for shaming the Mufti Institution which should be respected by the people.

He added that Harussani should be aware that the protest is the people’s voice, protesting against the rising prices of goods and the increasing cost of living.

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