GERAMM Willing to be Investigated, Bears the Responsibility of Organising the Assembly

SHAH ALAM, 6 Jan: The Angry Media Movement (GERAMM), organisers of the protest to demand for press freedom and to support The Heat which was held in the capital on 4 January, is willing to be investigated by the police and shoulders the full responsibility for the organisation of the event.

The loose group of reporters however stressed that the protest is only the beginning and will not withdraw from their ‘fighting’ spirit.

“If the report in The Sun (yesterday) is true, I am ready to be investigated regarding the Red Pencil Protest. I take full responsibility.


“I will give my full cooperation to the police on this investigation, just like the police did not disturb our right to hold the Red Pencil Protest on 4 January.

Yesterday, The Sun reported that the police have begun investigations on the organisers of the “Red Pencil Protest”; a group of reporters and media activist, for failing to provide an assembly notice 10 days earlier.

The Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigation Department Chief, Datuk Ku Chin Wah, however refused to comment further regarding the matter.

Meanwhile, in a statement of Twitter last night, Fathi said as the editor, the investigation is a “normal process” which he has gone through before.

“I am waiting for the official notice from the authorities,” he said.

On 4 January, participants of the assembly braved the rain by gathering at the square near Leboh Pasar Besar at the capitol and marched to Masjid Jamek to state their protest.


Apart from cancelling the suspension of The Heat, GERAMM issued seven other demands, including re-investigating thoroughly the violent incident against reporters at the BERSIH 3.0 assembly, which has not yet been completed.

They also broke red pencils together as a sign of reporters injured and the death of media freedom in this country.

Also present to support the assembly was the popular DAP leader, Lim Kit Siang, the former Chairman of BERSIH, Datuk S.AMbiga and activist, Datuk Marina Mahathir.

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