CM: Giat MARA Centres Need to Repair Building Structures in a Year

SHAH ALAM, 15 Jan: The Selayang Giat MARA Centre should repair its building structure in a year and it can operate as usual if they have sufficient funds to operate the centre.

The Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, said that if the Giat MARA Centre does not want to continue operations, they can vacate the premises and the State Government will give the opportunity to another company to create a centre for aviation training.


He said that the one-year notice which was issued recently is to monitor the centre’s operations and it does not meet the requirements of the State Government, and then the site should be vacated.

“In the next three to four years, there will be a national accounting system in each state to not only prepare consolidated accounts in the form of receipts and payments, but to also provide reports on State Government assets and revenue.

“The State Government is establishing a land task force to explore each district to identify and report on State-owned land.

“There have been many buildings found to be built on government land, one of them is this Giat MARA Centre which should have been built into a public hall, but eventually it was turned into a workshop for the training centre,” he said in a press statement after chairing the Executive Councillors meeting here at the State Secretary’s Building (SUK).

Abdul Khalid said that the State Government helps the Malay community more in the state compared to the previous BN Government with the implementation of policies that are fair to all races.

“The state’s PR has spent RM800 million, through the Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES – the Selangor People’s Economy) programmes, to be given to citizens.

“Based on facts through the MES, studies between 2008 until now have found that we have helped the Malays, Indians and Chinese more (than BN),” said Abdul Khalid.

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