Teng: Existing Rules Suffice in Controlling Behaviour, Indecent Words

SHAH ALAM, 27 Nov: The Selangor State Assembly (DNS) insists the existing rules for handling the issue of disrespectfulness is enough to control the discipline and conduct of the State Assemblymen (ADUN) in the conference.z

DNS Speaker, Datuk Teng Chang Kim said that the regulations do not need additions or amendments to take action against the Assemblyman’s sexist remarks.

“I feel that the terms or sexist words said can be considered under the same category as rudeness, and all Assemblymen know they cannot say such words.

“For me it’s the same. So any amendments to the 36 (4) or the establishment of new rules for the action is not necessary,” he told reporters here today.

During last Thursday’s conference, Datuk Mohd Isa Abu Kassim (BN – Batang Kali) had issued indecent words during the Tourism, Consumer Affairs and Environment Exco member, Elizabeth Wong’s summary regarding the reserve status of Templer Park.

Yesterday, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz announced that a motion will be presented in Parliament to amend the rules of parliament to ban MPs from making a sexist statements.

In other developments, Teng stated that the DNS is planning to build their own website and it is expected to start next year.

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