PR Declined Australia Day Invitation Because Lynas is a Sponsor

SHAH ALAM, 21 Jan: Pakatan Rakyat (PR) declined the invitation by the Australian High Commission in Kuala Lumpur to attend the Australia Day celebration on 22 January because LYNAS Malaysia Sdn Bhd is one of the sponsors.

In a joint statement by them, they stated that although PR is flattered by the invitation to the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), it needs to be declined.


According to them the invitation is actually a great initiative to maintain good relations between both countries, however due to principle, it cannot be participated in.

“A large number of Malaysians consider LYNAS as an unwelcome rare earth processing plant. If PR accepts the invitation, it will certainly be against our principles and promises in the last election.

“LYNAS started in Malaysia without obtaining assessment on necessity, procedure, location studies and is only operation on a temporary licence because it did not comply with the prescribed standards,” the statement said.

The stand was affirmed in a joint press statement by the National DAP International Secretary, V Sivakumar; the Central PAS Working Committee Member, Syed Azman Syed Nawawi, and the Vice President of PKR, Tian Chua.


They added that LYNAS also did not take into account the sentiments of the people who collected a total of 1.2 million signatures, objecting to the processing plant in Pahang.

“However, PR expresses our highest appreciation and best wishes to the Australian High Commission in the Australia Day celebration and Happy New Year 2014.

“We hope that the Australian High Commission understands PR’s stance against environmental pollution and to not make it an issue in weakening friendship and goodwill with the people of Australia,” they said.

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