Another BN Promise ‘Fulfilled’, Schooling Assistance of RM150 in Manifesto but Gives RM100

SHAH ALAM, 24 Jan: Barisan Nasional (BN) has once again ‘fulfilled’ its promise sown during the 13th General Election (GE13) campaign when they just gave out RM100 in schooling assistance to each student compared to the RM150 promise stated in the manifesto.

This situation not only proves that BN is not a party to be trusted, but it also shows BN attitude of placing their cronies interests first before the people when the government is faced with a debt crisis.

The Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Strategy Director, Rafizi Ramli, said that BN should think of parents earning a low to middle income, who have to cope with the rising cost of living and the burden of expenses for the start of the school session simultaneously.


“If we observe, about seven to eight months after the GE13, not one of BN’s manifesto has been fulfilled. Until now, BN has only delayed by providing excuses or implementing only part of it, which does not fulfil its manifesto.

“Not only are promises not fulfilled, but the people are burdened by new taxes. We want the toll rates to reduce, but they want to raise it, coupled with the reducing of subsidies.

“BN has actually lost its dignity in the eyes of the people because in less than a year in power, simple promises such as the RM150 schooling aid has not been fulfilled, not to mention other bigger promises,” he said when contacted by Selangor Kini yesterday.

Rafizi said that it is no wonder the former Finance Minister, Tun Daim Zainuddin himself predicted that BN will lose power if the election was held in the near future.

“People will certainly not be convinced by manifestos made by BN if there is an election at this time because of the party’s terrible record in fulfilling promises in the GE13 manifesto,” he said.


Recently, the federal government announced that parents can take the RM100 in schooling assistance for primary and secondary school students starting this week.

However, the amount is different than that promised in the GE13 manifesto, ‘Fulfilling Promises, Bringing Hope’ of RM150 under the steps to address the cost of living.

Previously, BN also broke its promise when they tried to raise toll rates, contrary to the promise in the manifesto to bring it down gradually. However, it has been postponed when it received great opposition from Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and road users.

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