Noh Omar’s Move to Not Participate in RTM1 Forum a Cowardly Action

SHAH ALAM, 1 Feb: The move by the Selangor Umno Liaison Leader, Datuk Seri Noh Omar, of not participating in the RTM1 Forum with the PAS Youth yesterday received criticism from various parties that consider his action to be cowardly.

The forum organised by RTM was scheduled to be joined by Noh as only participated by the former Wira Perkasa Chief and Umno Youth Executive Councillor, Armand Azha.


As a result, Suhaizan Kaiat had to face three other people; the moderator and two other panel members, including Armand.

“This proves and is evident that Noh Omar is afraid to debate like the Sabak Bernam PAS and its Youth. He only knows to speak, but has no action.

“If you are afraid of even facing Suhaizan Kayat, who is a ‘cool’ person, how are you going to face the ‘gedebe’ (a Kelantan slang for thuggish) Khalid Samad?” The Sabak Bernam PAS Youth Assembly leader wrote on Facebook.

When Sinar Harian cancelled his debate with the Member of Parliament for Shah Alam, Noh Omar had gone to the Sinar Harian office angrily because he supposedly had prepared for the debate.


Meanwhile, according to the blog, it would have been Noh’s best opportunity to rebut the arguments by the Central PAS Youth Chief.

“He spoke outside like a thug, like wanting to turn the world upside down, when he invited Khalid Samad to debate on the ‘Allah’ term.

“But when Sinar Harian cancelled (the debate) he raged, allegedly claiming that he was prepared. Even the easy one (RTM1 forum), he ran away so fast that even land was not sufficient (a slang meaning to run cowardly away),” he said.

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