Anwar in Kajang, Avoid Perak Coup from Repeating

SHAH ALAM, 3 Feb: The nomination of the Opposition Leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, as the Kajang Assemblyman in the by-election is to avoid the coup that happened in Perak in 2009 from happening in Selangor.

Political activist, Hishamuddin Rais, said that a coup might have happened in Selangor after the sudden and unexplained resignation of the Kajang Assemblyman, Lee Chin Cheh.


In relation to that, he said that to that an action had to be taken to prevent the matter from happening.

“We are learned from what happened in Preak with the Jelapang Assemblyman’s case; where his position was purchased and there was a proposed dissolution of the State Legislative Assembly until the coup happened in Perak.

“Perhaps the Kajang Assemblyman was threatened or posed with various crises such as the Jelapang Assemblyman, we do not know what internal matters happened.

“So, something has to be done to avoid that from happening, take a cue from history that happened,” he said at the Anwar From Kajang to Putrajaya Forum at the Bangsar Radio Club recently.


Hishamudin said that there are three things, religion, race and king, which has been mixed to create racial issues at the moment.

“This is in contrast to the 13th May incident, when it was only race. But now, it has been mixed in with more matters; religion and king. So Pakatan Rakyat needs to take action to avoid this from happening again,” he said.

During the general election in May last year, PKR win with a majority of 6,824 votes in a six-corner clash with Barisan Nasional (BN) and three other independent candidates.

Meanwhile, Anwar will explain the details of the outcome regarding PKR’s decision to place him as candidate for the Kajang by-election on 3 February at the Public Hall in Taman Mesra Kajang starting from 9.00pm.

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