Anwar: Tunku Sharply Criticised Constitutional Violations but was Ignored

KAJANG, 12 Feb: The issue that the government does not respect and violates the Federal Constitution is not something new. In fact, this issue came up after the first Prime Minister, the late Tunku Abdul Rahman, retired from all his political positions.

The Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) de facto leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, said that this was voiced by the Father of Independence through an article which he wrote that was published in The Star.


“His greatness was not only in laying the foundations of Malaya, later on Malaysia, but he continued to defend the ideals and principals of national independence. He did not compromise at all in terms of promising that Malaysia is based on the constitution.

“His voice and his writing, especially when he was free and independent to write in The Star newspaper, when the newspaper was still free and not shackled as it is now. Tunku wrote and sharply reprimanded and warned on the violation of constitutional principles, breach of law and the arrogance of power.

“Of course, Prime Ministers after that, the late Tun Abdul Razak in particular, did not heed, respect or acknowledged him,” said Anwar at the Tunku Abdul Rahman Legacy Forum which was held at the New Era University College Auditorium today.

Anwar said that the Central Government under Tunku was also found to be more considerate by practicing diplomatic approaches towards left-wing movements opposing him and also media that attacked the government at the time.

Therefore, Anwar urged all parties to agree to dialogue in a National Consensus to strengthen the country’s constitution, thus ensuring that ethnic harmony in the country continues.

“At the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) meeting, I presented the National Consensus to discuss issues of race, religion and national governance management.

“This is nothing new. These are all enshrined in the constitution which we have to strengthen in the spirit of the constitution,” Anwar added.

Apart from Anwar, also delivering speeches at the forum, which was attended by about 200 people, was the Chief Minister of Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim; DAP Advisor, Lim Kit Siang; PAS Election Machinery Director for the Kajang by-election, Dr Hatta Ramli, and the former Co-Chairman of Bersih 2.0, Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan.

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