Major Zaidi a National Hero, the People Must Unite to Defend the Truth

KAJANG, 12 Feb: The people have been urged to remain united and be brave in defending the truth as did the former Commanding Officer of the 12th Air Base Squadron of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), Butterworth, Major Zaidi Ahmad.

The former co-chairman of Bersih 2.0, Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, said that Major Ahmad made a police report after the indelible ink smeared on his finger during the 13th General Election (GE13) was found to be removable.


“He has been charged with seven counts of filing complaints on the indelible ink used during the GE13. This man is being punished for speaking the truth and we must stand by him for he is a Malaysian hero.

“This is the how we must be. When they lie, we must fight them with the truth. This “tribute’ for Major Zaidi, and without a doubt, please cancel the charges against him,” Ambiga said.

She was speaking at the Tunku Abdul Rahman Legacy Forum which was held at the New Era University College Auditorium recently to commemorate the 111th birthday of Tunku Abdul Rahman on 8 February.

Ambiga said the courage shown by Major Zaidi represents patriotism of members in the military, such as the courage shown by the Father of Independence, Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Major Zaidi was charged on seven counts at the Military Court, the Royal Malaysian Air Force Base in Kuala Lumpur last Friday.

Five of the charges are under Section 50(2) of the Armed Forces Act 1972, while the other two involves Section 51 of the same act.

Section 50(2) is an offence of non-compliance to an order from a superior and may carry a sentence of not more than two years, while Section 1 does not submit to the standing order and may carry a sentence of not over two years or a lighter sentence.

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