Defaming Anwar, Papa Gomo Ordered to Pay RM800,000

SHAH ALAM, 28 Feb: Today, the Kuala Lumpur High Court ordered the pro-Umno blogger, Papa Gomo, to pay damages to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, for defaming the Opposition Leader.

The decision received quick response on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.


Among others, a Facebook user, Fadhlina Sidek, said that the punishment meted out on Papa Gomo, despite almost reaching RM1 million, still cannot erase the Qazaf sin (Qazaf means to wrongfully accuse a chaste Muslim man or chaste Muslim woman of adultery or homosexuality).

“In the last class, students were eager to hear how the Qazaf sin impacts the validity of marriage when we started Islamic law classes.

“Have you ever wondered why Qazaf is included under the Hudud crimes,” he said through a status on Fecebook.

In addition, Anwar’s Twitter was filled with congratulations from Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders and other followers.

“People who slander always loses out on the afterworld, congratulations on the s=lawsuit against the king of slander, Papa Gomo,” said a follower, nukmannafiz.

“Papa Gomo can consider changing his name to ‘Papa Kedana’ (broke),” another follower, OhMaiKedah, teased.

This morning, Judge Rosilah Yop, in her judgement, also ordered Papa Gomo, or Wan Muhammad Azri, to pay RM50,000 to Anwar for costs.

Rosilah also allowed a permanent injunction application by Anwar to prevent Wan Muhammad Azri from repeating his defamation on his blog.

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