PKR: Najib’s Spendthrift Attitude the Cause of Economic Crisis, the People Shoulder It

SHAH ALAM, 2 Mar: The spendthrift attitude practiced by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, is the cause of the economic crisis and the people have to shoulder the financial burden.

The PKR Deputy President, Tian Chua, said that the extravagant spending has become one of the reasons that the country and the people have to bear with a terrible economic crisis.


Tian said that Najib’s move to pay millions to foreign consultants, in addition to spending lavishly for the use of luxury jets is a wastage.

“Najib enjoys wasting and using government funds as he pleases, while the people bear the economic pressure from the government’s move to withdraw subsidies and increase the prices of goods.

“This is what happens when the country’s administration and finances are not managed efficiently, leaders are spendthrift in spending the people’s money through actions that are not clear of its profit and benefits,” he said, quoted from Keadilan Daily.

He was referring to the Indonesian portal recently that ranked Najib Razak as one of the ‘top 5’ leaders in the world who are most extravagant in their spending.

Najib was also reported to be at par with the President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, who will be celebrating his 90th birthday at a cost of Rp11.8 billion.

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