Federal Government, Do Not Take Advantage by Linking the Loss of MH370 with PR

SHAH ALAM, 16 Mar: The federal government has been warned to not even try to ‘fish in murky waters’ (take advantage of a bad situation) by trying to link the loss of the MH370 aircraft with party leaders in Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

The Deputy President of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Tian Chua, said that PR is consistently committed in rejecting and condemning any form of violence, whether in the country or abroad.

“PKR is urging the Federal Government to not use this as an excuse to link PR component parties or their leaders.


“PKR and other parties in PR are committed to peaceful means and in accordance with the constitution in our political struggle. We have consistently condemned any form of violence,” he said in a press statement today.

Tian Chua said that the Federal Government should increase cooperation with international agencies in conducting a thorough and professional investigation on the incident.

Tian Chua also claimed that only certain media are deliberately trying to spark wild speculations without valid information, claiming that the disappearance of the MH370 aircraft has something to do with the pilot doing something irresponsible.

“PKR shares the grief and concern of all families who have lost loved ones on the MH370 flight,” he said.

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