MACC Has Failed to Tackle Corruption, Paul Low Should Resign

KUALA LUMPUR, 24 Mar: The performance of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is still unsatisfactory despite massive funding being channeled under the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department.

The Member of Parliament for Kampar, Dr Ko Chung Sen, said that the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Senator Paul Low, has not been able to reduce corruption cases despite being given the responsibility to implement transparency in the government to combat corruption and integrity issues.

“For every case convicted in the past five years, the average number recorded by Putrajaya is RM707,744,59 and the average amount is RM34,892,87. The return is only 4.9 percent.


“What is worrying in the past year is the number of convictions only reduced by 31.7 percent despite a substantial increase in the budget, which is over a quarter of RM1 billion in 2011,” he said at the Parliament Lobby today.

He said that corruption is still rampant in this country because the MACC does not catch the ‘sharks’, and even the ‘small fishes’ are missed.

“Since Datuk Seri Najib took over as Prime Minister, he has repeatedly declared his determination to fight corruption; unfortunately it has failed despite more funding issued to tackle corruption.


“Out of the 5,517 cases opened from 2009 to last year, only 1,395 convictions have been recorded,” he said.

In this regard, he suggested for Low to resign for not showing a decrease in corruption.

“He (Low) is giving a negative impact to the MACC and with this; he should be honest with himself and resign.

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