Anwar: “I will continue to fight from within Malaysia even to prison”

KUALA LUMPUR, 7 May: Opposition Leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, insists to wight for justice in this country despite knowing that he might be going to prison.

Anwar said this is despite being persuaded by Islamic groups in the United Kingdom and former Vice President, AL Gore, to live abroad due to the probability that he will not get a fair trial in this country in the Defamation II case.

“In fact colleagues I was with in London for the Al Gore group meeting as well as some friends and Muslim groups in the U.K., all of them without hesitation tried to persuade me to remain in London instead of coming back.


“They all know and assume that because of the opaque system here and the judiciary that I will go to prison.

“But I said to them, thank you very much, but I have made my decision, I will continue the fight from within Malaysia,” he said in an interview with a Japanese media, The Diplomat, last week.

Anwar said that that there is a limit to what people and the society can endure in terms of injustice involving Pakatan Rakyat leaders.

“It’s not just me and Karpal Singh they are trying to haul to prison, but also a few other MPs, assemblymen, party leaders and protest leaders and I think this trend will continue.

“Where do you go if you have a problem? Are you going to go to the courts? You will not get a fair trial.


“So I think what the authoritarian leaders fail to realize is that there is a limit to what people and the society can endure,” he said.

Anwar said that looking at the names of the judges and the way they expedited the process, they even disallowed him to ask for just a few days to get medical documents, proving that it is clearly fundamentally flawed, because they did not deal with the facts that were abused.

“So I think that it is clear that the executive is acting under the instruction of their political masters,” said Anwar.

He said that they are of course doing their very best to get the best team of lawyers to expose the whole fiasco in the courts.

On March 7, the Court of Appeal allowed the prosecution’s appeal against the previous High Court’s decision to release Anwar from charged in the Defamation II case.

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