Selangor will build more skills development institutes, to uplift youth skills


KUALA SELANGOR, 17 MAY: The State Government is currently focusing on creating more skills development institution within the state, in an effort to uplift the skills of the youth.

The implementation will also accommodate Malaysia Education Certificate (SPM) graduates who do not have the privilege to further their studies at higher education institutions, said Executive Councillor of Education, Higher Education and Human Capital Development, Dr Halimah Ali.

She also said that majority of the State Assemblyperson (ADUN) has voiced out similar suggestions in the recent state assembly sittings.

“Many ADUN wants more skills development colleges such as INPENS College to be created in this state. Hence, it is relevant and we will work towards that,” she said at an opening ceremony for the convocation of INSPENS College, here.

It is necessary that the State Government creates education based on skills for the students to shape their own future, said Halimah.

“We do not need a pool of youth that does not have a future. The state government also feels the need to change the education system to adapt to the current needs.”

She added, the education system is more inclined to the development of women human capital.

“It does not work for men. There are more women than men at learning institutions, while it is not because they are not able to cope, but because it is ineffective.”


“I cannot voice my thoughts in the ministry, but we will see how the execution is in the state,” she added.

Halimah also added that she hopes the Budget 2015 dialogue event, which will be held in June can be utilized for learning institutions under the State Government.

“INSPENS as example, can submit suggestions to improve the progress of the college and we will be able to use the budget appropriately,” she said.

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