Anwar: Criticise Sultan, is alright if Umno and Utasan does it

SHAH ALAM, 10 June: Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said that Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) and other pro-Malay NGOs made no noise when Umno, through its mouthpiece, Utusan Malaysia, criticised the Johor Housing and Real Property Bill 2014.

“If Umno and Utusan do it, it is okay. If we do it, immediately they would take action and Isma would make a lot of noise,” he said.


He was referring to Umno leaders and the paper’s open questioning of the bill, which initially accorded the Johor Sultan with an administrative role in the housing board.

However, the bill was passed in the Johor state assembly yesterday with amendments removing the sultan’s powers.

“What the late Karpal Singh said about the sultan (for which he was charged with sedition) was far lighter than what Utusan and Umno have done,” noted Anwar, quoted from Malaysiakini.

Anwar Ibrahim today criticised religious authorities in Selangor and Penang, saying their actions are bordering on “arrogance of power”.

This is a dangerous signal to Malaysians, not only to non-Muslims, but also Muslims who are level headed and don’t want to be perceived as arrogant.

“Do not be perceived as insulting other races,” he warned during a press conference in Parliament today.

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