If casinos are illegal in Penang, it is impossible for nude activities to be allowed

SHAH ALAM, 5 Aug: The Chief Minister of Penang, Lim Guan Eng, denied that the State Government administered by DAP has anything to do with nude sports in Teluk Bahang which has gained attention on social networking sites.

At a press conference today, he said that he did not know about the immoral activity, although it was clearly held in Penang.

He said that any illegal activity is not allowed, like the building of a casino which was strongly prohibited in the state.


“One thing is for sure, Penang does not even allow a casino, so how can we allow such an illegal activity to be held?

“If it is found that the individuals are Muslims, then the state religious authorities will look into it, but if they’re non-Muslims then the matter should be investigated by the police,” he said, quoting The Rakyat Post.

Some Umno blogs made a video on nude activities titled ‘Penang Nudist Sports Games 2014 in Teluk Bahang’ a capital to accuse the Penang government about the nefarious activity.

One of the blogs also accused Guan Eng of promoting the immoral activity by linking his close relationship between him and the Minister of Tourism, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz.


The controversial video that spread on the interned showed nudists performing body painting, as well as having dance and telematch contests in the nude.

The video however did not say where the participants came from, but the majority of them looked Asian.


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