4 PAS MPs ready to resign if they join with Umno

SHAH ALAM, 5 Aug: The scenario analysis if PAS works politically with Umno by the Director of Operations for the PAS Research Centre (PPP), Dr Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki, which was revealed recently did not receive support from the Central PAS Committee Whatsapp group.

The Shah Alam Member of Parliament, Khalid Abdul Samad, said that at least four members of the group said that PAS leaders should resign as elected representatives in their respective areas because the victory gained in the general elections were through the support of other parties in Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

“This is because we won because of the people’s support for PR, not PAS alone. Therefore, if they stay in their position without us being in PR is an immoral act and is betrayal,” he said in a press conference at the Shah Alam Parliamentarian’s Office today.


He said that the fact should be known by the people to prove that PAS has no intention to betray the trust given by the people in the 13th General Election.

He said that the Whatsapp group is handled by a staff at the PAS Headquarters to facilitate the channelling of various information such as date, time and the agenda of meetings to the Central PAS committee members.

“This Whatsapp group is not official. In fact, the President, Secretary-General and some top PAS leaders do not participate in this Whatsapp group. Any decision decided in a meeting attended by the top leaders in the party are not in this Whatsapp (group),” he said.

Khalid said that the scenario analysis which was leaked is also an attack on PAS and not just against Dr Zuhdi alone.


He said that if the attack was directed at Dr Zuhdi, then the scenario analysis would just hover among Central PAS committee members only and not be disseminated to the public.

“If Zuhdi is the target, then certainly the printscreen would only linger among PAS leaders only because his position as the PPP Director of Operations was not elected by the people but appointed by leaders.

“Therefore, if we want to discredit Dr Zuhdi from his position, the printsceen would not have been spread outside, it would have been sufficient to be spread within the party.

“By right, more effort is being done to defend the good reputation of PAS compared to defending Dr Zuhdi to avoid negative perception from the public against this party,” he said.


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