The Government should review US trade relations sponsoring Israeli aggression

SHAH ALAM, 6 Aug: The Malaysian Government should review its free trade agreement with the United States, which is a major sponsor of aggression by the Israeli regime.

The Member of Parliament for Lembah Pantai, Nurul Izzah Anwar, said that this should be taken into account before agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is signed.


She said that the government should disclose companies that have business relations with Israel and impose restrictions on business with Israel.

“The government should take an example from the Government of Chile which suspended their Free Trade Agreement in protest against Israeli aggression.

“Apart from Chile, the Bolivian Government also officially labelled Israel as a “Terrorist State” following the war crimes committed in Gaza.

“These actions clearly demonstrate solidarity with Palestinians, in the name of humanity, should be emulated by other civilised countries,” said Nurul Izzah in a press statement.

According to the Israel Bureau of Statistics website, in 2011, Malaysia exported palm products and other vegetable oil valued at about USD$19.41 million, coco products valued at USD$8.67 million and rubber valued at USD$11.54 million.

“The government must explain whether Malaysian earth resources are exported to Israel and which companies are involved in exporting to the Zionist state,” said Nurul Izzah.


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