No water rationing, but people need to be prudent

SHAH ALAM, 7 Aug: The people have been urged to not easily believe false reports on water rationing deliberately spread by unscrupulous parties on social networking sites recently.

The false reports are believed to be designed to worsen the image of the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat Government just like the two acts of sabotage at the water pumps at Sungai Selangor recently.


The Selangor Executive Councillor for Infrastructure and Public Amenities, Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi, said that at the moment, the State Government has no proposal to implement water rationing, as decided at the Selangor Economic Action Council Meeting (MTES) today.

“I have briefed at the meeting earlier that the rainfall we received this week foes not require water rationing.

“Like always, next week we will be meeting again for the update on the water capacity at that time, but Insya-Allah, we pray that all goes well,” said Dr Ahmad Yunus when contacted by Selangor Kini today.

Dr Ahmad Yunus also advised the public to use water prudently to ensure priority towards food and drink is always sufficient.

“The public are encouraged to collect rain for other uses such as washing vehicles and watering plants, for example,” he added.

Recently, a number of acts of sabotage were committed by irresponsible people by damaging pumps used by connecting a hose to the Hang Tuah Pool.

Apart from that, false reports disseminated through social sites also allege that the Selangor Government will implement water rationing this week.

Recently, Selangor Kini was bombarded with calls from residents of the state who were in anxiety after reading false reports that the State Government will announce water rationing today.


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