Exco: “Even asking for RM1 is difficult, CM is careful in spending public funds”

SHAH ALAM, 20 Aug: Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is acknowledged as a Chief Minister that is careful and meticulous in state administration, especially when it involves the expenditure of public funds.

State Executive Councillor, Dr Halimah Ali,said that Abdul Khalid’s nature, which is deemed by some as being ‘stingy’, shows that he is careful so that the money spent will benefit the people as best possible.

She said that approval is only given when provisions asked by Exco members are accompanied by a detailed plan on how the money is to be spent.

“Asking for money is difficult. Even asking for RM1 is difficult. But if it is for the people, he will approve it.

“Exco’s have to give arguments, otherwise, if he (Abdul Khalid) does not see the benefits, he will not approve it. He is careful because it is the people’s money,” said Halimah during a press conference at her office today.

She said this when asked by reporters if she has any problems working under Abdul Khalid throughout her time as an Exco member since 2008.

Replying to another question regarding the water agreement with the Federal Government, Halimah said that Abdul Khalid always consults state Exco members on matters involving major decisions by the State Government.

“Even RM9 is difficult for him to approve, even more so if it is RM9.65 billion. He will go through everything and he will not be hasty, especially when it involves large funds.

“For the issue of the water agreement, we (Exco members) are informed in general but not in detail. The Chief Minister has his own team of experts on this matter,” she said.


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