Selangor PAS: “Discussions with Umno is defamatory”

SHAH ALAM, 4 Sept: Allegations that Selangor PAS held talks with Umno on the Chief Minister issue is an assumption by certain quarters, and defamatory to all members of the Selangor PAS.

The Selangor PAS Secretary, Mohd Khairuddin Othman, said that Umno’s action to support Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim to remain as the Chief Minister is believed to be because they are not confident in taking over Selangor from Pakatan Rakyat (PR) if state elections are held.


“I dare to confirm that Selangor PAS did not hold any discussions with Umno in Selangor.

“Umno’s move to support Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim is because Umno does not want the DUN (State Assembly) to be dissolved and for state elections to take place. This is because Umno is not confident.

“This does not mean that the Selangor PAS and the Selangor Umno are working together, and the Selangor PAS’s stand is to be loyal, remain to defend PR, including maintaining our four Exco members,” said Mohd Khairuddin in a statement last night.

Mohd Khairuddin also found that those who are making negative assumptions are not Assemblymen from PAS or linked to the Selangor PAS.

“I am referring to news reports that show the Selangor PAS as seeming to want to join Umno,” he added.


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