‘Silly’ system the reason of teachers leaking questions to ‘teach’ the ministry

SHAH ALAM, 12 Sept: A teacher did not rule out the possibility that the leaking of the Primary School Achievement Test (UPSR) questions was done by friends of the profession to ‘teach’ the Ministry of Education.

Only wanting to be known as Nurul, she said that the act may have been done as a protest on the existing education system that burdens the people and is ‘silly’.


“Maybe this is a way to make the ministry aware and stop all ‘silly’ systems that burden teachers.

“Teachers are pressured on the performance of students and schools to chase performance and grades set by the ministry,” she said on a conversation on Facebook.

She, however, refused to reveal her identity for fear that action will be taken against her as her views are not in line with the ministry.


Nurul said that the responsibilities of teachers today are burdened with a variety of systems, very much different from the role of educators about 20 years ago.

She is of the opinion that the mastermind that leaked the questions may have been aiming to meet the performance index set by the ministry.


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